
What I Believe

We need SPACE to come back to our SELVES. Release our “automatic” (habitual) patterns and re-connect with who we truly are.

Extraordinary that society doesn’t place mamas up there with valued CEO’s, politicians and other revered leaders: in recognition and respect of all they do.

When we embody this within ourselves, as women and as mothers, truly and deeply. When we demand it from our community and from society: change will happen.

The way forward in the world is through acknowledging what we have in common. What we share. Where we are the same. Our humanity.

We are human. We are here to become more so.

Mothers are the caretakers of the next generation of… mothers, fathers, doctors, political leaders, teachers, nurses, soldiers, artists, psychologists, carers, gardeners…

Being a mother is one of the most important jobs… and it ain’t always easy!

MOTHERHOOD is a catalyst for reconciliation, growth, peace, change.

Motherhood as a cross cultural arena for meeting. Sharing in our challenges, fears, hopes, desires, joy, fulfilment. Mothers together regardless of culture, religion and political standing.


Celebrating Life and living it