In the quest to learn more about yourself in and through movement.
To create fertile soil for sustained change.
Go tenderly.
Tenderness softens.
Brings in a kind of a kindness
Plants the seeds of compassion
Starts a new conversation of acceptance
Between me and my SELF
Me and another.
Tenderness creates a space
Of possibility
That wasn’t there before.
An easeful responsiveness.
A gentle layer of listening.
Melts through judgement
Diffuses criticism.
Defrosts anger.
Dilutes fear.
Dissolves more than / less than thoughts
It makes magic.
Tenderly frees my breath.
I relax around my edges
I soften my inner walls and spaces.
Around my limbs, my joints, my organs.
My heart begins to feel safe.
I meet the moment
Senses awakened
I notice differently.
Present in and of my surroundings
In tenderness
I breathe easy
Meet myself afresh.
As I am
Right here
Right now.
As if for the very first time.
My MEness distilled.
Joyfully …unapologetically… ME
Tune in tenderly.
Grow tender listening
What do you notice?
What gets you curious?
What sensations are alive for you?
What feels different?
Right Now.
As in the BLUR lyric
“Tender is the day the demons go away…”
How would it be to meet yourself tenderly today?
In growth-full tenderness
Ruth x
I love this! And the gift of this woman too!
If you would like to learn more about how I can help you move with ease and do what you love with comfort and confidence, do get in touch. The Feldenkrais Method is a beautiful way to cultivate tenderness in the body and mind, supporting your journey of self-discovery and healing. I'd love to hear from you.